

Managed Services

The general definition of Managed Services is the outsourcing of your IT management and support to an external services provider as a method of improving your day-to-day operations and managing your IT expenditure. A Managed Services Provider (MSP) is responsible for a defined set of services, generally at a fixed monthly fee.

IT in Dentistry provides client oriented Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that address many of the IT issues facing your business.


Core Security

There are two sides to the security coin. On one side there is antivirus software and on the other there is patching, both are equally as important. To fixate on one would be detrimental to the other.

Many businesses today are not doing a good job at keeping their software up to date with patches, which is one of the primary methods of fending off most types of malicious attacks.

Our Core Security addresses both the patching of your key systems, and a monitored Antivirus solution.


Cloud Backup & Recovery

Our Managed Backup with Replication service is designed to automatically synchronise your onsite backups to an offsite location every day. This means that no matter what happens to your office, your data is safe and recoverable.

The most important thing that you could do, today, to improve your system's security is to have in place a good backup strategy that includes secure offsite copies of your data.


Remote Monitoring & Management Technology

We use a leading industry Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) solution to provide insight as to how your computer systems are tracking. Whether that be a simple disk space related issue, or a more complex matter involving rogue applications consuming resources.

Our Managed Services offerings utilise this technology to better serve our clients and allow for the planning of upgrades, etc.


Our Customers Come First

Our mission is to allow our customers the freedom to do what they do best and to not worry about how their IT systems are running.


We Promise You the Best

When you choose to use IT in Dentistry, you choose to partner with us in keeping your IT systems performing at their best. With over two decades in the industry, our experience will help guide your business into the future.